Creating melodies that touch the soul.
The art of music composition contains many aspects - melody, harmony, rhythm; texture, timbre, silence. I believe it is the role of the composer to engage, to comfort, to challenge, and to inspire through music. My philosophy is that there can never be too many melodies in the world, and I love nothing more than to find a good tune and stick with it.
Thank you for visiting my website - take a look around and listen to some music. I hope you find the information you're looking for, and if you don't, feel free to contact me and ask!
With Dr. Daniel Bara, director of the University of Georgia Hodgson Singers, after the premiere of “The Voice of Spring.”
With conductor and fellow composer Lincoln Sandham after performance of “Funk and Sprite” at Florida State University.
John Stanley Ross conducting as ASU Recording students look on.
This photo was taken with my friend and colleague Matthew Bruesseau after he conducted a wind ensemble reading of "Pillars of Dusk".
In Santa Fe, NM with fellow composers Zachary Lloyd (left) and Jonathan Snead (middle).
The beginning of a short canon. I wrote two of these for string quartet in Spring 2016.